incredibly incomplete

A nice link I don't wanna lose.
Hi, Im trying to build up this site to dump my thoughts and interests, since I got real fed up of tumblr over the summer and now Ive pretty much got nowhere else to go. Ive never worked with HTML before, and frankly Im already struggling with CSS way more than I probably should, but I reckon Ill get the hang of it. If anything here happens to be functional then feel free to look around, otherwise you can go now. :)

Im only 18, in case that influences your decision as whether to read this rant or not, What a pleasant thing to have on my front page.

I need more text here, and I don't wanna keep the Lorem Ipsum that Ive been using as a placeholder. It's been odd these past few days, since Idecided that Im better off making my own site instead of using social media. I don't go out much, don't have real friends, don't find myself actually doing an awful lot these days - and it's summer! This is the most free time Ill ever hope to get and Im spending it indoors! Worst part, that was all sidetracking; that wasn't thet part that has been concerning me.

Recently, I saw a post essentially on how aesthetics are meaningless outside of social media. Once you log off, they have no affect on your life; if anything, you're the one who dictates your life around an aesthetic. Now that Ive started to turn away from social media (but towards what else instead, Im not sure yet), Ive been trying to think hard about what I like, the things I enjoy, how Id like to set up this site, and... I haven't thought of an awful lot. What do I enjoy? What sort of imagery do I feel any connection to, even if it is only a little? Looking at other peoples' work and all the vibrant personality that radiates from it makes me feel as though Im losing or missing out on something, despite knowing damn well that there's not actually any sort of 'competition' at all.

Ah, the wonderful psychological effects of social media.